CentOS perfectServ ================== This script will install all you need to have a full configuration of ISPConfig 3 on a minimal & new CentOS 7 system. It work with no guaranty and need to be improved for sure ! This work is based from http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-centos-6.4-x86_64-nginx-dovecot-ispconfig-3 You have to read this documentation and the script itself before do anything with it. You must have a fresh CentOS 7 installation, with nothing installed and full internet access. During setup, you will be asked for prompt input for mysql, mailman, and ISPConfig setup. TODO : * Check spawn_fgci configuration file * pypMyAdmin randomize "blowfish_secret" if cookie_authentication * test more and more ;o) It will install and configure : * Epel and RPMForge repository * Development Tools (cause we need to compile some packages) * NTP Daemon * NGINX, MariaDB, PHP * phpMyadmin * Dovecot, Postfix & getmail * ClamAV * Mailman * Fail2Ban & Rootkit hunter * PureFTPD * Bind * Jailkit and launch the ISPConfig3 installer ! have fun !