Hardware UART example for MSP430 using mps430-gcc on Linux sw@kaltpost.de http://gpio.kaltpost.de/ Introduction ------------ This example shows how to use hardware UART through USCI_A on the TI Launchpad with a MSP430G2553 MCU. Hardware Setup -------------- The wiring for this example is as follows: MSP430 To ---------------------------------------- RXD P1.1 TXD serial line TXD P1.2 RXD serial line NOTE: When using the TI Launchpad, "/dev/ttyACM0" could be used as serial port at 9600 Bauds, but RX/TX must be crossed on the jumper bridge of the Launchpad. Compilation ------------ This project is written for msp430-gcc on Linux (I used v4.5.3 which is available as package on ubuntu). For flashing the "mspdebug" tool was used (also from the Ubuntu package). To compile the source just issue a: make This builds the firmware in the "bin" subdirectory in various formats. Flashing ------------ To flash the firmware to your Launchpad you could use the "flash-target" make target: make flash-target Doxygen Docs ------------ If you installed doxygen on your system, you could generate the HTML-based documentation by calling: make gen-docs This will create the documentation under "doc/gen/html". Usage ------------ Connecting your Launchpad should give you a new serial device "/dev/ttyACM0". Connect to this port at 9600 bauds - e.g. by using screen: screen /dev/ttyACM0 9600 A greeter is shown on the serial line, and you are prompted to press any key to start the echo demo. After the first keypress, "OK" is printed, and from then on, every character you type is echoed back. Every time, a character is received, the red LED on the launchpad is toggled. The green LED stadily blinks.